State Estimation for Polyhedral Hybrid Systems and Applications to the Godunov Scheme, J. Thai, A. Bayen, Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, Philadelphia, 2013.
Probabilistic formulation of estimation problems for a class of Hamilton-Jacobi equations, A. Hofleitner, C, Claudel, and A. Bayen, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, Hawaii, December 10-13, 2012.
Optimal Control of Freeway Networks Based on the Link Node Cell transmission Model by Ajith Muralidharan and Roberto Horowitz. American Control Conference, 2012.
Analysis of Impact of Single Occupancy Hybrid Vehicles on HOV Lanes by Varun Kohli, Gabriel Gomes, Mohammad (Ashkan) Sharafsaleh. Submitted for TRB 2012.
Arterial modeling and control
Offset Optimization for a Network of Signalized Intersections via Semidefinite Relaxation, Samuel Coogan, Gabriel Gomes, Eric S. Kim, Murat Arcak, Pravin Varaiya, IEEE CDC, 2015.
Automatic inference of map attributes from mobile data, A. Hofleitner, E. Come, L. Oukhellou, J-P Lebacque and A. Bayen, International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Anchorage, Alaska. September 16-19, 2012
Large scale estimation of arterial traffic and structural analysis of traffic patterns using probe vehicles, A. Hofleitner, R. Herring, A. Bayen, Y. Han, F. Moutarde, and A. de la Fortella, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting, (TRB’12), Washington D.C., January 22–26, 2012.
Probability distributions of travel times on arterial networks: a traffic flow and horizontal queuing theory approach, A. Hofleitner, R. Herring, and A. Bayen, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting, (TRB’12), Washington D.C., January 22–26, 2012.
Trade-offs between inductive loops and GPS probe vehicles for travel time estimation: A Mobile Century case study, P.-E. Mazare, O.-P. Tossavainen, A. Bayen, and D. Work, Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting, (TRB’12), Washington D.C., January 22–26, 2012.
A Three-Stream Model for Arterial Traffic, C. Bails, A. Hofleitner, Y. Xuan, A. Bayen, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting (TRB'12), Washington D.C., January 22–26, 2012.
Analysis of Adaptive Learning Algorithm for Freeway Ramp Flow Imputation by Ajith Muralidharan and Roberto Horowitz. Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, 2011
Model Based Fault Detection of Freeway Traffic Sensors by Gunes Dervisoglu and Roberto Horowitz. Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, 2011
Scaling the Mobile Millennium System in the Cloud, T. Hunter, T. Moldovan, M. Zaharia, S. Merzgui, J. Ma, M. Franklin, P. Abbeel, A. Bayen, ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing (SOCC’11), October 27–28, 2011, Cascais, Portugal
Mobile Millennium Stockholm, A. Allstrom, J Archerb, A. Bayen, S. Blandin, J. Butler, D. Gundlegard H. Koutsopoulos, J. Lundgren, M. Rahmani, O.-P. Tossavainen, 2nd International Conference on Models and Technologies for ITS, Leuven, Belgium, June 22-24, 2011
Aurora RNM - A Macroscopic Simulation Tool for Arterial Traffic Modeling and Control by Andy Chow, Gabriel Gomes, Alex Kurzhanskiy, Pravin Varaiya. Presented at the 89th Annual TRB Meeting in January 2010
Link Vehicle-Count - The Missing Measurement for Traffic Control by Markos Papageorgiou and Pravin Varaiya. 12th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems, 2009
Macroscopic Modeling and Simulation of Freeway Traffic Flow by Jan Hueper, Gunes Dervisoglu, Ajith Muralidharan, Gabriel Gomes, Roberto Horowitz, Pravin Varaiya. 12th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems, 2009
Fundamental Diagram Modeling and Analysis Based NGSIM Data by Xiao-Yun Lu, Pravin Varaiya, Roberto Horowitz, Alex Skabardonis. 12th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems, 2009
Aurora Road Network Modeler by Alex Kurzhanskiy, Jaimyoung Kwon, Pravin Varaiya. 12th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems, 2009
Freeway Traffic Flow Simulation Using The Link Node Cell Transmission Model by Ajith Muralidharan, Gunes Dervisoglu, Roberto Horowitz. American Control Conference, 2009
The Components of Congestion: Delay from Incidents, Special Events, Lane Closures, Weather, Potential Ramp Metering Gain and Excess Demand by Jaimyoung Kwon, Pravin Varaiya. Presented in Transportation Research Board, 2006
The Congestion Pie: Delay from Collisions, Potential Rap Metering Gain, and Excess Demand by Jaimyoung Kwon, Pravin Varaiya. Presented in Trasportation Research Board, 2005.