This requirement |
Includes these functions
Institutional support |
- Maintain project champions
- Define and implement a solid management infrastructure, associated business processes, and corresponding KSAs (knowledge, skills, and abilities)
- Ensure all stakeholders are included and engaged, and maintain a culture of trust and communication
- Ensure required resources are committed to corridor day-to-day operations
- Provide a properly skilled, educated, organized, trained, and motivated work force
- Establish and maintain communications channels with a variety of stakeholders and agencies throughout the life of the I-210 Pilot
- Locate, secure, and monitor funding
- Manage Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) and other agreements with stakeholders, organizations, agencies, and/or private companies and ensure that they remain updated
Corridor monitoring |
- Maintain a strategic plan for data collection and performance metric calculation
- Ensure that appropriate sensors and data sources are available
- Maintain the definition of the corridor network and its assets
- Measure and record the status and state of all assets in real time
- Receive measurement values from corridor sensor assets
- Determine the real-time state of the corridor
- Define performance metrics in the context of available sensor and engineering data
- Manage the calculation of performance metrics over user-selected time and space
- Provide an integrated UI for viewing this information
Strategic incident/event response planning |
- Define/maintain response plan components, including detour routes, signal plans, and specific messages to post or broadcast
- Define/maintain rules for:
- determining when an incident is occurring
- determining the severity of an incident and its impact on corridor performance
- combining components into one or more full response plans for evaluation
- considering unique responses at certain times and locations
- selecting one response plan for implementation from a group of potential plans
- determining the order of sending instructions to response plan components
- Test response plan components and rules before releasing them for use
- Hold a corridor-wide review of response plan results quarterly
Real-time incident/event monitoring |
- Incident detection
- Incident characterization and validation by stakeholders
- Incident event notification to others
- Initiate real-time response planning
- Track the end of the event
- Initiate the termination of a response plan
Real-time response planning |
- Build response plans
- Evaluate response plans
- Choose a recommended response plan
- Approve a recommended response plan
- Forward approved response plan to implementation
- Periodically review and update implemented response plans
- Permit off-line analysis
Response plan implementation |
- Determine what assets to send instructions to and in what order
- Notify stakeholders of response plan implementation
- Send instructions to response plans assets and verify they can be executed
- Monitor assets to note any unexpected changes and notify stakeholders
- When signaled by incident characterization, return assets to normal status
Data management |
- Understand the purpose and format of the data available and ensure others understand the data they are providing
- Understand the quality metrics of the data and know what the quality metric values are
- Create, read, update, delete, transmit, and receive the data using standard protocols (TMDD, NTCIP, GTFS)
- View, summarize, and report on the data
- Add new types of data to the system; remove deprecated data types
- Have a system of record for each data element
- Have Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) functionalities available as needed
Decision support |
- Rules capture and evaluation
- Determination of the current state of the corridor based on limited data. When evaluating response plans, it is important that analysis start with knowledge of the current conditions and state of the corridor.
- Prediction of the future state of the corridor based on limited data. When evaluating response plans, it is important to take the likely future state of the road into account.
- Calculation of metrics. Metric calculations are composed of rules and algorithms applied to corridor state.
Core system user interface |
- Asset Information Management user interface
- Incident/Event Information Management user interface
- Mock Incident Creation and Testing user interface
- Response Plan Management user interface
- ICM Core System user interface
- Geospatial visualization of data
- Reporting, charting, and graphing functions
- Post incident/event analysis reports
- Communication - Other
System integration |
- Integrated visualization and reporting
- Integrated control functions
- Integrated data definition, capture, and processing
- Ownership of corridor assets, including software, hardware, data, and algorithms
- System/Location of Record for data
System management |
- Security
- Service Level Agreements
- Maintenance requirements
- Trained personnel able to maintain the system
- Management of system failures
- System upgrades