Early in the process of selecting a pilot corridor for the Connected Corridors program, staff discovered that there were communities in the Los Angeles area that had Environmental Justice (EJ) concerns, specifically related to the planning and construction of transportation projects. A good example was the proposed 18-mile I-710 Corridor Project between the Ports of Long Beach & Los Angeles and the Pomona Freeway (SR-60). Additionally, as we evaluated corridors and provided information to the Connected Corridors team, it became apparent that not all team members had the same level of knowledge and understanding of Environmental Justice and how it might affect the pilot corridor.
A team member, UC Berkeley Undergrad Student Worker Jennifer Soliman, was tasked with researching and summarizing Environmental Justice as it pertained to State and Federal transportation projects, environmental laws (CEQA and NEPA), and how EJ affects transit operators and Metropolitan Planning Organizations. Specific transportation case studies were also researched. A summary of her research is posted here. The information is primarily for planners, managers, and researchers to consider when selecting corridors to implement ICM. A vast array of additional knowledge on the subject is available on the internet.