It should be noted that requests are also made for costs categorized by:
Development phase
- Project Initiation
- Planning
- Requirements
- Development
- Deployment
- Evaluation
- Operations and Maintenance
- Retirement
Funding agencies
- Caltrans HQ (who principally funds PATH, and thus PATH is not included in this list)
- Caltrans D7
- Metro
- Cities
- County
- Federal
- Other
When funding was allocated
- In the future after the program is completed
- In the future but during the program’s lifetime
- Current – Currently being spent to build deliverables
- Past – Allocated previously in the program and already spent
- Prior to program inception – Allocated and spent prior to the program’s inception (in-place ITS elements, for example)
Organization receiving the funding
- Interior to the agency providing the funding
- Through contract by the agency providing the funding
- Through allocation to another agency