Additional Categories for Costs

It should be noted that requests are also made for costs categorized by:

Development phase

  1. Project Initiation
  2. Planning
  3. Requirements
  4. Development
  5. Deployment
  6. Evaluation
  7. Operations and Maintenance
  8. Retirement

Funding agencies

  1. Caltrans HQ (who principally funds PATH, and thus PATH is not included in this list)
  2. Caltrans D7
  3. Metro
  4. Cities
  5. County
  6. Federal
  7. Other

When funding was allocated

  1. In the future after the program is completed
  2. In the future but during the program’s lifetime
  3. Current – Currently being spent to build deliverables
  4. Past – Allocated previously in the program and already spent
  5. Prior to program inception – Allocated and spent prior to the program’s inception (in-place ITS elements, for example)

Organization receiving the funding

  1. Interior to the agency providing the funding
  2. Through contract by the agency providing the funding
  3. Through allocation to another agency