On August 13, 2014, an Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation (AMS) Workshop was held at Caltrans District 7 (D7) in Los Angeles. Participants included Caltrans D7 staff from Operations, Traffic Management, Ramp Metering and ITS; LA Metro; LA County Department of Public Works; FHWA; UC Berkeley/PATH; and several consultants. The goals of the workshop were to:
- Encourage cooperation between the Connected Corridors stakeholders and the development and delivery of the AMS Report
- Coordinate the use of the AMS results to refine the Concept of Operations and to lead to a Memorandum of Understanding between the partners
- Educate personnel on current modeling technologies and the applicability for Corridor Management
- Solicit feedback on the current AMS tool sets that will be used as part of the overall AMS effort
Several additional workshops/trainings will be held over the next six months that will focus on the following:
- Initial scenario results with feedback
- A demo of AMS tools and results
- AMS work in other Integrated Corridors Management projects
- A presentation of additional/updated scenarios,
- Better demonstrations of our tools
- Review of the AMS Report and the Concept of Operations. The AMS Report and the Concept of Operations will be finalized in early- to mid-2015.
The following are some “snapshots” of the slides presented at the workshop.